High Dusting & Ceiling Cleaning 
Service IN Chicago

for large commercial 
facilities & warehouses


Spotless has evolved into the Midwest’s top full-service specialty ceiling cleaning company. We are not a franchise and we don’t outsource. Our ceiling cleaning service is very specialized and requires highly skilled technicians and proprietary products that are not sold in stores.

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Over the years we have served thousands of corporations, institutions, manufacturing plants, government agencies, hospitals, medical facilities, and retail establishments. They’ve chosen our specialized cleaning processes to restore the appearance and functionality of their facilities. Customers trust us to provide ceiling cleaning and high dusting services in critical and complicated industrial facilities.

Deep Wall Cleaning
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Our safety record, safety training program, and multiple safety certifications give our clients trust and peace of mind when we’re on the job. We’re also certified to clean confined spaces and operate scissor lifts so we’re able clean practically any space, anywhere.

Vid Camera and Light Cleaning

cleaning ceilings vs. painting

The simple answer is cost savings. We generally save facility managers 50-75% vs painting or replacement.

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Clean ceiling and walls reflect more light for a brighter facility increasing employee productivity.

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Protect the life of your ceiling or walls with an affordable, professional cleaning solution.

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Protect the life of your ceiling or walls with an affordable, professional cleaning solution.

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Never paint acoustic ceiling tiles because you lose the acoustic value and the fire rating.

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Painting over stains without proper cleaning cost more to hide and will eventually bleed through.

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If the goal is to change the color of your walls or ceilings, we provide full painting services.

Professional Cleaning
for All Surface Types

Professional Cleaning
for All Surface Types

Before and After Wall and Ceiling Cleaning

We clean most surfaces with our proprietary system and solutions.

We always perform a test to make sure we can deliver as promised. During the test we can further identify the type of soil. Even before performing the initial test we have an idea of organic oils or fats vs industrial grease. Is there soot or carbon mixed in with the oils? Has the acidity of the dirt created rust? There are many factors we evaluate to create the perfect cleaning solution for each surface. We make it look easy, but we have years of experience and training.

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Complete Ceiling Restoration: Acoustical, Vinyl, & Sheetrock

Complete Ceiling Restoration: Acoustical, Vinyl, & Sheetrock

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ceiling grid restoration

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light lenses & diffusers

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wall cleaning: vynil, tile, frp,
plaster, metal, brick, & wood

wall cleaning: vynil, tile, frp, plaster, metal, brick, & wood

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industrial machinery &
food processing equipment

industrial machinery & food processing equipment

ceiling cleaning
vs. power washing

Power washing is a great option for floors or outdoors. When working indoors on walls or ceilings in manufacturing and industrial facilities there is generally high voltage electricity everywhere. On top of being dangerous power washing can create outages and lead to costly repairs and lost production. In heavy industrial facilities high heat power washing does not work. In traditional environments high heat power washing can generally get the surfaces 80-90% cleaner, but that last 10-20% that makes the surface pop is why clients choose us.

experienced industrial
& commercial painting

At times clients want to change the color and no amount of cleaning will change the color. We have a dedicated team that handles all our interior and exterior painting. We are your single source solution for all your ceiling and wall needs.

We are the high dusting masters

High dusting isn’t easy. We know because we’ve done it for decades. Trust us to clean any height for any surface.

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Non-Invasive High Dusting with the ability to reach 40 foot beams, ledges, lights, and I-Beams. No need to move equipment or furnishings. No heavy equipment or lifts needed. No dust is airborne. Ability to reach 40 feet. In certain environments it doesn’t make sense to use a lift for many reasons. When using a lift for high dusting you have to consider the weight load, flooring that can crack, and even carpet that can get rug burns. Hiring experienced professionals will help you avoid costly damage to your facility.

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When choosing a high dusting company make sure they are OSHA certified, have Lift training, and confined space training if applicable. Employers must ensure that employees using personal fall arrest systems while working on aerial lifts at heights of six feet or more comply with section 1926.502 d. Employees must be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall more than 6 feet nor contact any lower level. We have dedicated crews that are trained and certified. We also have an in-house trainer.

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Certain facilities generate combustible dust that can wreak havoc if not handled properly. Our preferred method is to vacuum the dust in a controlled manner. If you are dusting you will need anti-static dusters. If you knock down the dust from a lift that dust can fall on the lift batteries and quickly create a fire. This is just one example of the challenges with combustible dust environments. We have special vacuums that are industrial grade and specifically made for
combustible dust.

High Dusting and Ceiling Cleaning 
for GMP or SQF Certification

Completing a GMP audit or SQF Requirement can be scary especially if it’s your first time. We provide specialty cleaning services to help you through the GMP or SQF certification process. The initial audit is an excellent verification activity to confirm the successful implementation of the policies and procedures that contribute to good manufacturing practices. It is also a mandatory component of the internal audit process for any food business seeking 3rd party HACCP certification. Good cleaning and sanitizing practices are critical items in the food business.

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High Ceiling Cleaning with Pictures for Verification

High Ceiling Dusting w Camera

Our Spotless teams can help provide Validation = Before and Verification = After pictures to help you comply with your audit requirements. Our tools are equipped with cameras to provide Validation and Verification even at high altitudes.

Prevent Environmental Contamination When High Dusting

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) includes many basic operational conditions and procedures. When preparing for a GMP audit the first item is always cleanliness. Is the item and area you are looking at clean? Are you preventing bacteria and contamination? Spotless can help you prevent environmental contamination, dust allergens, and dirt from getting into products with our specialty self-contained high ceiling and wall cleaning services.

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Overhead Ceiling, I-Beams, Rafter Dusting & Cleaning

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The daily cleanliness of floors, equipment, and utensils are typically handled in the daily operations. Cleaning the Ceilings and Walls in a large facility can be a very complex and time-consuming task. Most businesses don’t have the manpower or expertise to high dust and clean high cleanings and that is where we come in. 

The crew has to be careful not to cross contaminate or spread dust or allergens when cleaning the ceilings, I-Beams, rafters, and overhead lights lenses. Preventing glass from shattering from overhead lights is actually one of the requirements from GMP. Overhead cleaning always looks easy at first glance. From below the I-Beams or Rafters don’t appear like much work, after all its just dusting. 

For starters you never want to just dust and spread the dust. The amount of accumulated dust and obstacles are a big part of the equation. For a 100,000 square foot ceiling with rafters the true surface area is 2 to 2.5x larger so a 100,000 square foot ceiling becomes a 250,000 square foot high dusting or ceiling job. 

Combustible Dust Cleaning for NFPA and OSHA Inspections

Combustable Dusts

While no OSHA standard directly addresses combustible dust, this has not stopped OSHA inspections and enforcement actions. OSHA has relied on the General Duty Clause referenced in the NFPA standards when issuing citations for combustible dust hazards. 

Preventing a fire and employee safety should be the primary driver, but we understand the bean counters in their corporate suites don’t always understand the dangers in a live production environment. We are very competitive and can save you significant dollars and headaches by helping you avoid OSHA citations.

Combustible Dust Equipment  for Combustible Dust Cleaning and Extraction

At Spotless we use ATEX II and Explosion Proof Equipment.

  • Certified Class II Division 2 Groups F & G Hazardous Locations as defined in NFPA 70. 
  • Dust Ignition Protected Electrically Operated Industrial Vacuums are designed to safely vacuum combustible dusts.
  • All the electrical components, including the motor and starter are protected by enclosure so there is no source of ignition.
  •  HEPAPlus* Filtration with an efficiency of 99.995% @ 0.2 micron. Testing Method: IEST RP-CC034.3. H14. MIL-STD 282 / A.S.T.M. - D2986-91. MPPS method EN 1822
  • The poles and attachments are ATEX II static dissipating

This is expensive equipment that not any cleaning company is willing to invest in. Not to mention the poles are delicate and can break with untrained staff. Carrying 40 foot poles and looking up is no easy job. Investing in Equipment is one thing, but having trained and hard working team members is what truly matters.

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Tips For Dealing With
OSHA Inspections

An employer may ask the inspector to limit the inspection to the places and processes related to the specific hazard or possible violation that gave rise to the inspection, but this can backfire and aggravate the inspector. The accumulation of combustible dust can take place in most or all parts of many facilities, so the scope of the inspection tends to be fairly broad. 

If possible, however, employers should try to keep the investigation focused, as any safety and health violations in plain view during the inspection might lead the inspector to expand the scope of the investigation.

Employer representatives should know they can elect not to answer questions that warrant a more detailed response or those that they are not confident or qualified to answer. In most cases, indicating that the employer will get back to the inspector because they do not want to provide incorrect information is a suitable response.

The Best Defense is always being proactive and scheduling regular high dusting service for your industrial facility. 

Environmentally Friendly

Our ceiling and wall cleaning service is green all around because it will save you money. Most of our clients were considering replacement or painting prior to hiring us. When considering replacement, you have to consider product replacement cost, labor for tear down, trash removal costs, installation labor, and final cleaning after installation. Ceiling cleaning will save your budget and reduce unnecessary trash in our landfills.